Steps to the Greening of Science and Technology


Husain Heriyanto


Modern science constitutes some paradoxes. It destroys the natural environment when it succeeds to reveal the natural laws; it ignores the catastrophe of poverty and hunger when it creates biotechnology; it generates insecurity and disparity once it creates global network; it is indifferent with justice and humanity once it claims its universality and presence for humankind welfare.  


This paper stands for a thesis that it has been a historical necessity for us today to rethink worldviews.  In reference to the nature, complexity and critical scale of danger of the environmental crisis, we are required to do paradigm shift from mechanistic viewpoint to holistic-organism. We need a new cosmology, values, cultural coding, ethics, and green science and technology applications in order to care for Earth, our home.


This paper is aimed at putting forward the philosophical approach, ecological perspective, and Asian traditions.   The first approach is related to the ways of view of nature as a living being, organized system, and sacred order. The second serves the steps to put up an ecological awareness along with its principles and methods. The third tries to bring up the richness of Asia’s diverse tradition into the ways of living to promote the greening of science and technology.